- A1. What/Why_SNIPPET Aos 1:00
- A2. Lullaby_SNIPPET Aos 1:00
- B1. Violent Light_SNIPPET Aos 1:00
- B2. What/Why (Fugal Remix)_SNIPPET Aos 1:00
Available 15.10.2018
Aos’ boundless love for music is apparent in everything she does. As a producer, a DJ, and an event organizer with Seattle’s secondnature and TUF collectives, Kayla Waldorf’s vision eschews traditional categories and genre boxes in favor of an ecstatic spontaneity. Her DJ sets are well known for their playful energy and narrative threading between many different styles. Violent Light
is Aos’ first offering on secondnature’s own label, and it captures this playful essence. The title track’s stomping groove (complete with rave whistle) sets the tone, while Lullaby and What/Why move into headier territory composed of dusty synths stabs and clouds of vocal effects. Finally, secondnature’s own Fugal delivers a remix that flips What/Why into a rolling depth charge.
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