- stk002_a1 STK002_A1 (Vers 03 - 02 10 2015) (Mastering Vinyl 0db) 1:01
- stk002_a2 STK002_A2 (Vers 02 - 08 10 2015) (Mastering Vinyl 0db) 1:01
- stk002_b1 STK002_B1 (Vers 02 - 08 10 2015) (Mastering Vinyl 0db) 1:01
- stk002_b2 STK002_B2 (Vers 02 - 08 10 2015) (Mastering Vinyl 0db) 1:00
Verse II follows the same path of the first STK release, but here Synthek´s sounds and synths get definitely way more mental and weird. InGrid is opening the record with a chilled-out concoction of dusty drums and reverberating claps gradually dynamized by countless swarms of sharp hi-hats. The A-side closes with the stripped out Arrange where gliding wipers interrupt moments of epic atmosphere. The flipside sounds dreamy and bright with A New Journey fluctuating drums and heavenly ambiences that shiver along pulsating sirens. The emotional dancefloor anthem SelfTalk close the record with thumpin´ beats invaded and embraced by uplifting melodies. All-in-all a solid and diverse release who gives an appropriate overview of Synthek contemporary style.
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