- 01 ISO 02 T1 1:30
- 02 ISO 03 T1 1:30
- 03 ISO 02 T2 1:30
- 04 ISO 02 T4 1:30
- 05 ISO 04 T7 1:21
- 06 ISO 02 T8 1:30
- 07 ISO 02 T7 1:30
- 08 ISO 03 T2 1:30
- 09 ISO 02 T9 1:30
- 10 ISO 01 T6 1:30
entle descent into washed out shoegaze memories, swallowed by windswept drones and distortion.
March 2020, lockdown No. 1
”I don’t believe that this music was actually created by myself. In fact isolation established the environment for its appearance.
Instead of thinking about music, as i went pacing the floor, I fell to counting my footsteps until I felt about to go mad.
A body needs at least three points of support, not in a straight line, to fix its position.
A body does not tip over when the force holding it upright in place is stronger than the force pushing it over. Lawfulness of the material.”